Thursday 3 April 2014

Contemporary Brands

                                             1- Nike Brand

The Nike brand is consistent and appeals to various types of markets because of its versitility in the brand's marketing. It appeals to different types of target markets for their various reasons. 
Nike is classy and known to be a brand of the upper class and also a brand of sportswear and gear. We know that this is not the case and that even casual smart clothes are catered for by the label. I believe its a successful design as it has achieved success through its minimalistic design which appeals to everyone of all walks. 

2- MTV Brand 

The MTV(Music Television) brand is also a very well known and successful brand I've chosen. The brands succeeds by being easily distinguishable and not blend in with other brands because of its unique and intriguing design which is able to reconstruct itself according to what's appealing to the audience. This usually is with regards to whats happening in current affairs and the events occurring around us. This is depicted in a very abstract manner, using bright colours and contrasting colours as well as play on imagery, also making sure that aesthetically the logo is appealing, grabs attention keeps it at people are always intrigued by it. The logo also has the use of the free form text font on the letters "TV" against the hard edged letter M. The words "Music Television" used to be included everywhere as part of the branding of the logo but currently one can find the logo with just the letters "MTV" and thelogo will still be successful.

Monday 24 February 2014

Contemporary logos or brands reflecting ITS principles and style

Here are a few examples:

Figure 1:
The logo chosen from group of logos placed in the image is the "Mobil" logo. This is placed on the second row of the first column. This logo is effective as it is also in its simplest form with the use of sans serif font and use of two colours being blue and red. Unity is created placing letters of the same colour next to each other. 
Figure 2:

This is a logo which reads "Seven and Six". The logo is very effective and also appealing to the eye as it has a lot of movement incorporated in the design with the use line. Much effective also because it is simplified by the use of one solid colour separate from background colour. Continuation is also achieved as the eye begins moving from the horizontal line and moves in to the right which then represents the number seven, going down diagonally and curves into an ampersand and then curves down again diagonally presenting the number six. All the movement created is achieved by use of diagonal and curved lines.

  Figure 3:
This logo is also effective as it has simple sans serif font/text used, and also has white text as well as white geometric shapes and lines in contrast with the red background. Proximity is also achieved with the use of the geometric shapes as they create a visual of a formal shirt when in reality there is no image of a shirt, only geometric shapes. Placing them close to each other creates unity.

Figure 4:
The logo is effective as it is also clean cut and simple. Sans serif font used as well as flat colours.
The letter "g" is used to symbolize a key. Separating the text is created with use of colour. The unity achieved is created by placement of those of the same colour close to each other.
Figure 5:
This is the very popular "Twitter" logo. It is of a simplified, flat two dimensional vector image consisting of no depth but only width and height of a bird in one flat, bold colour which is a calming blue tone.

Figure 6:

 This logo is also effective as it uses the negative space which is the same colour as the acronyms of the museums name to be visually enticing. The use of white text on a white background has been the spaces filled out well by using bold, flat colours.

Figure 7:

This is the "Skype" logo which is also a very popular logo in the social network environment. This also is in its simplest form with sans serif font used which is the same colour as the background colour but has been separated for visual clarity by using a white "cloud" surrounding the text.

Local Design Magazines:

Figure 1:

This cover of Design Indaba has executed the design of the cover well by making it visually enticing by using contrast of colour with the white objects placed on a black background. The title which is in red, is in uniform with the colour of the leaves. Use of vertical line is thicker on the bottom and gets narrower as the eye follows it upwards. There is rhythm and similarity in the cover created with the wood.

Figure 2:

This cover of Enjin Magazine design is also visually enticing as contrast of colour is used. the background and male figure are in black and white (grey) and the paint spilled all over him is a solid white in colour. The text is white and are placed on black solid rectangles.

Figure 3:


This cover of "One Small Seed" has visual enticement achieved with the use colour contrast with the white text on black background as well as blue on white. There is also contrast of texture with the smooth skin of female figure against the her blue hair. Horizontal lines of black and white can be included in the variety of elements placed together and compliment each other.
